
This site is the work of experienced web developer, software developer, IT consultant and trainer Andy Stiller. It has been created to provide free step by step guides, tutorials and training resources.

Who Am I

I currently work part time at Blue-Bag Ltd as a Drupal web developer. Before working as web developer I worked in a variety of roles including software developer, IT consultant and IT trainer. I have also worked as a Disability confidence trainer.

I have a Physics and Computing honors degree, a City & Guilds certificate in C programming and a level 3 qualification in adult education teaching.

My main interests are my lovely assistance dog, accessibility, photography, teaching and developing websites like this one. I love helping people in whatever way I can, whether training them, providing IT support or simply problem solving.

My other sites

I have created other sites for specific roles. My photographic work is on Photography on Wheels and disability related resources can be found on AndyHat Disability.

Further resources